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Quality Guaranteed
- Value Package
- Home Cleaning Services
- Aircon Services
- Disinfection Service
- Specialised Services

Home Cleaning Service
- Award winning, modern Switzerland bio-sanitizers
- Breakthrough technology completely eliminates all traces of bacteria and germs we can’t see with our eyes
- Safe to use, elderly and child friendly with HSA certification
- Bio-degradable, eco-friendly with EU Label

Home Cleaning Service
- Highly-trained, experienced professional HomeHelpers at your service
- Trusted, legal, dedicated
- 100% guaranteed customer satisfaction
General Service
- Professional Technicians
- State-of-the-art Equipments
- Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
- Superior Quality of Work
- Trusted Service
Disinfection Service
- Disinfection is particularly beneficial for households with young and/or elderly individuals who have weaker immune systems and thus are more susceptible to adverse reactions from contacts with pathogens and bacteria.
- Our Professional disinfection technology can been deployed in both residential and commercial buildings
- In less than 30 minutes, the surfaces and air in the room(s) will be disinfected and the room can be used immediately after being aerated for a short while. After use, the non-toxic sanitizing solution leaves a neutral smell in the treated room and does not pose any harm to your health
How It Works
Basic Steps
Select Your Service
Select your preferred service from our wide array of home cleaning, add-on, and specialised services.
Provide Details
Provide us your details so that we can send our most qualitied HomeHelpers to you.
Make Payment
Pay safely with our secured payment channels to complete your booking, and wait for our HomeHelpers to come to you!!